Business and Merchant Benefits:
- Businesses and Merchants can donate gift certificates for their goods and services to help the local charities while advertising to their clientele.
- Allows Businesses and Merchants to refer charities to our web site to claim any available certificates or products available to them.
- Reduces the time and effort of Businesses and Merchants to meet personally with charity representatives that are looking to obtain donated items for their auctions.
- Streamline distribution of items between charitable organizations and businesses.
- Provide notification as to what items were selected and which organizations received items as well as to what items were returned to online warehouse.
- Emailed “Thank You” on behalf of the charitable organization to the Business/Merchant of donated item(s) with the amount auctioned, name of recipient, contact email and/or phone number.
- Set an annual amount of charitable giving of items towards charity auctions on a first come first serve basis without bias.
- Distribute items on a local or regional level.
- Provide copy of tax exempt certificates of organizations when requested.
- List all conditions for redemption and restrictions.
- Free Setup on your own, or we will set-up your page for an annual low set-up fee of only $35.00.